Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Day Thirty Four - Christie, Coffee, Walkies, Wheels and Curry

Well what a busy day. Up early for my checkup at the Christie. Arrived nice and early, straight through to bloods, short wait for the Doctor, everything ok, wait for blood results, all ok, out.
Home for a bacon & cheese butty, Joh off to work. Thanks for the lift. X
Surprise text off Jon, "fancy a coffee?" Why yes I do Mr Swindells, thankyou very much. Lift down to Polocini and my first coffee for a week and a half. Great chat with Claire and Alan, then half the Test Team descended, sans bikes, for a good chin wag and a moan about where parcel deliveries leave our packages :)

Lift home off Jon, and it's walkies. Slightly bigger walk today with Ellie, didn't feel out of breath or have any dizzy spells, so things are getting back to normal again. Nice.
Home and sorted out my bike wheels. 2 road bikes and 3 sets of wheels. Bit of a change round required after weighing everything. The new mavics are 2lb, shimano rs10's are 3.1 and the ribble wheels were nearly 5lbs! Mavics on the Cannondale, of course, cant wait to ride that on a dry day, rs10's on the ribble, and the ribble wheels as spares in the cupboard. Result.
May even try a little ride tomorrow.

Finally, out with Joh for a beer and a curry. Platform One in Romiley for the beer, then onto Indigo for the curry. Excellent food and service as usual .

Having just lost my night allowance now, I got some good news on the financial front that will mean we're not struggling for the time being. Plan is to return to work once I'm better after this first bout of chemo has finished, then take some time off on holiday time for my next lot of exploratory ops and appointments, then big time off for my stomach surgery and the further chemo on the other side.

That's the idea anyway.

Good day today xx

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