Felt fine when I got up this morning. Still got the headache, but not as pronounced as usual. Up and at 'em. Scrambled egg on bagel for breakfast, watched Utopia from C4 last night, very good, and very violent. Dug out the mtb, fixed the puncture on my spare tube, repacked my puncture repair kit and headed out for a little jaunt in the countryside. In a bid to combat my forgetfulness at the moment, I made a point of making sure I'd locked the front door, so much so that I forgot to take my camelbak with my spare tube, pump, multitool and phone. I realised this when I was 2 miles from home on the canal into Marple. What would you do? Turn around and go back and get it, or press on and take the risk that I may puncture and have to limp home from miles away? I opted for the second option and pressed on. Fortunately I had no mechanicals or punctures, so all was good. I only did 10 miles anyway.
A nice fairly flat route. It was good to get out again, even in the cold. If you look at the map above closely, you'll see I've stopped the ride at the official ride stop place in Romiley, that being the Polocini Coffee Shop. Lovely mushroom soup for lunch, washed down with a cappuccino. Nice.
Home, shower, film afternoon. Watched Chronicle on rental which was quite good, liked the ending as it reminded me of Akira, then watched Dredd on Blueray which was excellent. Saw that at the cinema in 3D and the 2D Blueray didn't lose any of the impact.
Made tea, chemo drugs, telly, blog, bed.
Good night xx
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