Monday, 31 December 2012

Day Twenty Five - Have a great 2013

The day started off much as yesterday, feeling a little sickly and tired. I've not had a brew for 2 days as I can't face milky drinks at the moment. So water it is for now. Had a little jam on toast for breakfast, which thankfully stayed down, and made myself some pasta and anchovies for dinner. (the fish was a nice strong taste in my mouth, as it's gone all oily again)
Feeling better this evening, I've eaten all of my curry and rice that Joh cooked, which was nice.
I'd had a chill on the sofa this afternoon, watched a few films, and sent my message off to Rapha over the failed challenge.

Well, I say failed, but in reality what I've seen happen over the course of the challenge I set myself is how the Wheelers and Polocini came to the fore and helped me and each other complete as many miles as we could. I've definitely seen new friendships develop over the last week, and of course the Coffee Shop is now firmly on the map for the Wheelers, and I mustn't forget to mention the amount of money raised for the Beechwood Cancer Care Centre in Stockport.

Thanks to everyone who was a part of that.

It'll be an early night for us tonight, so let me take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year and all the best for 2013. Remember, all you can hope for is your health and a good strong network of family and friends, everything else is just fluff.

Good night 2012 xx

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