Saturday, 22 December 2012

Day Sixteen - What happened to Day Fifteen?

Well, it was another long day, but at least this time I managed to take my meds on time.
I've got to remember that the reason I'm doing this blog is to keep my family and friends up to date with what treatment I'm having, and also to document the effects of the chemo on my body and mind. To that end, the last few days have been difficult to write, mainly because there have been no effects on my body and mind.
I started the chemo 16 days ago, and like everyone, I was told chemo will affect me in lots of different ways. Hair loss, sickness, lack of energy, muscle aches, hand and feet soreness ect ect, but apart from a little queasiness in the first week, my hair growing slower and not having as much energy as before, I've not had any really bad adverse side effects.
Which I find worrying to be honest. I feel that I'm being lured into a false sense of well being. The chemo has got to be worse than this surely?
Still, while I feel well, I may as well make the most of it, weather permitting. I had a nice ride on Friday on the new bike, popped over to the Royles clearance sale in Wilmslow. Amazingly I didn't buy anything. I figure there's not much point buying new cycling clothes when I'm going to lose all the weight I've put on, and then some, when I have my oesophagus out in the new year. I'm sure I'll lose a little weight at that point.

So, nothing to report over the last few days. Just carrying on as normal.
Don't forget, I'm set to do the Rapha 500 challenge starting Monday, so if you can join us for a ride, we'll be heading out from the Polocini coffee shop in Romiley around 09:30 every morning next week, bar xmas day. Let me know if you're coming along. If you can't come, then please donate a quid to my cause over there on the right hand side of the blog.

Later xx

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